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Pink Rose

First Moon Ceremony


In ancient cultures worldwide, the transition from girlhood to womanhood symbolized the beginning of a profound journey for females.


This pivotal moment, marked by the emergence of life's potential, was once celebrated with reverence. Regrettably, our modern society has forsaken this tradition, replacing it with feelings of shame and secrecy.


It is imperative that we teach our daughters to embrace the sacredness of their monthly cycles, empowering them to connect with their inherent strength. Let us reclaim this lost ritual by establishing a "1st moon circle," where young women can learn to honor and welcome their natural rhythms.


Equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate these changes is essential, as it enables them to retreat inwardly and find solace during their menstruation. By instilling in them a sense of reverence for their bodies, we pave the way for a lifetime of embracing the ebb and flow of femininity.


Treating them with the respect and adoration they deserve is paramount, for when they are revered as goddesses, they will embody that divine essence.

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