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Placenta Burial Ceremony


Just as birth is a parting between mother and baby, the placenta and the baby will also be parted as to signify the baby’s sovereign journey onto this Earth. Whether you have experience cord- cutting or a Lotus Birth, the placenta burial can be a beautiful way to honour the end of pregnancy and honour this kind companion that the baby had with them while nestled in mama’s womb.

The placenta is the root of your origin, a miraculous organ that shared and protected your life.

It is the conductor that unites you with your mother and serves as the control panel of the womb- ship that sustains you until you are born. Your placenta is genetically identical to you.

This intrinsic connection of the placenta as another part of the baby reveals why it is so special to honour their journey together through a placenta burial ceremony.

There will be singing and drumming during the digging of the placenta’s new earthly home, beautifully decorating this magical organ with silk and petals and oils and before covering its new bed with ancient layers of rocks and soil and blessing it with a gratitude ritual, knowing it it is now its turn to be mothered by Mother Earth.

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